9561D84E-7F09-4667-A95C-8760A7B5FBC3Got a text from my friend Kirsten: “Picked up your Storybundle. This is a great deal!”

Kirsten’s a reader after my own heart. Voluminous, wide-ranging. It can be hard to keep up with our hunger for new worlds, new ideas. New adventures!

Kevin J. Anderson has helped fuel our bookish dreams with a new Storybundle of a dozen adventure SF books. Heads up: this bundle only runs for three weeks from August 29 through September 19. 

The bundle includes Anderson’s newly released collection, Selected Stories: Science Fiction Volume 1, (including his first piece of published science fiction, from back when Kevin was only 12!). You also get the Fiction River anthology Superpowers edited by Rebecca Moesta, and the new anthology Bridge Across the Stars, edited by Rhett Bruno.

The nine novels in this bundle range from wild adventure SF (Nobless Oblige by Uri Kurlianchik, Shadow of Ruin by Quincy J. Allen featuring Colt the Outlander from Heavy Metal magazine, created by the Aradio Brothers, and Steampunk Banditos, the new Felix Gomez novel by Mario Acevedo), to edgy thought-provoking science fiction (Albatross by R.A. MacAvoy and Yours Truly, and Crecheling by D.J. Butler), disaster black-hole thriller Singularity by Bill deSmedt, and solid, compelling science fiction The Soul Eater by Mike Resnick, The Application of Hope by Kristine Kathryn Rusch, and Dry Creek Crossing by Dean Wesley Smith. Books enough to keep even Kirsten reading for a while.

With Storybundle, you name your own price, minimum of $5 for the base level of five titles, or $15 minimum for the full dozen.  And, what makes me most particularly happy: a portion goes to support Challenger Center for Space Science Education!

I am proud to support Challenger Center in making great science education materials available to teachers and students. And you can support space education, too, while joining Kirsten, me, and likeminded readers in ending summer with big adventures!

Follow this link for more info, or to get this Storybundle now!